Ukrainian MiG-29. Photo: goodfon

The Ukrainian military has released a video showing the combat work of a Ukrainian MiG-29 pilot performing a complex maneuver with two air bombs at an extremely low altitude, avoiding the detection zone of Russian air defense systems near the front line.

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The pilot managed to launch the bombs from such a low altitude thanks to a precise maneuver and the characteristics of the French AASM bomb, which is equipped with a solid fuel rocket.

Immediately after launching the bombs, the pilot turned the fighter jet around and descended sharply, minimizing the risk of being captured by Russian air defense systems.

Meanwhile, the two 250-kilogram air bombs continued their independent flight towards the designated target, following the satellite coordinates.

The video shows the aftermath of the use of high-precision aviation weapons by the Ukrainian Air Force against Russian targets in the Belgorod region. The images reveal the destruction of a building used by the command of one of the Russian Armed Forces’ motorized rifle regiments as a control point.

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AASM 250 HAMMER. Photo: Wikimedia

Source: Photos and video: Instagram @fireworksoncall

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